“Today, I want to share a story that takes us back to the Canyons 100k, an event that unfolded about two years ago, where things didn’t quite go as planned.

At the time, I was really excited for the Canyons 100k, with the allure of a mostly uphill course, starting at 1,000 feet and reaching 5,000 feet. It was a challenge I was ready to tackle head-on. But, as life often teaches us, plans can take unexpected turns.

The decision not to participate in Canyons 100k was a tough one. Despite my excitement, a nagging feeling told me I wasn’t at my optimal performance level. A recent revelation about my ferritin levels being lower than usual served as a crucial insight into my physical condition.

I believe there were two factors contributing to this decline: my recent move to 7,000 feet in altitude and an oversight in adjusting my iron supplement regimen. Altitude has a known impact on ferritin levels, and a delayed blood test only compounded the issue. Lesson learned, albeit the hard way. I’ve known from past experiences that high altitudes pose challenges.

The second reason was a bit of a facepalm moment – I switched to an iron supplement that wasn’t as potent as my previous one. Silly mistake, but it happens.

Now, let’s rewind a bit further to my journey in refining my running form. About three years ago, during the Black Canyon 100K series, I opened up about reshaping my motor patterns after dealing with a chronic Achilles injury. Those childhood patterns of being pigeon-toed and walking on my toes haunted me and probably contributed to my Achilles issues.

While most days my form felt on point, bad days still snuck in. A race a month before Canyons 100k left me feeling off-kilter. Entering a 100k without 100% confidence in my body just didn’t sit right with me.

Reflecting on this journey from two years ago, setbacks happen, even to the most seasoned runners. What matters is how we respond. Here are a few timeless takeaways:

1. Prioritize Health : No race is worth compromising your well-being. Regular check-ups and listening your body’s signals should be non-negotiable.

2. Altitude Awareness : Living and training at high altitudes comes with challenges. Stay informed, consult professionals, and keep tabs on your health.

3. Embrace Adaptability : My journey post-injury highlights the importance of adapting. Embrace change, refine techniques, and be patient with progress.

As I reflect on Canyons 100k from two years ago, I’m grateful for the running community’s support. We’re bound by resilience and a shared love for the sport. Here’s to the journey!”